Data Connections

How to connect Saturn Cloud Enterprise to the data sources of your organization

Saturn Cloud connects to your data where it lives. There is no need to migrate your data into Saturn Cloud. Since Saturn Cloud is primarily running your users Python, R or Julia containers, as long as they can connect to data from those languages it is supported by Saturn Cloud. Below we will go through a few common data sources but many more are supported. If you have questions about these or other data types please reach out to us.

  • S3 buckets - To connect to S3 buckets, all you need to do is create an IAM user or an IAM role that has access to that S3 bucket. Those IAM credentials can be associated with Saturn cloud users, who will use them to access the S3 bucket using language specific tools. See our examples for R and Python for more details.
  • Snowflake - To connect to a Snowflake database all you need to do is add Snowflake login credentials as secrets in Saturn Cloud. Once you have the secrets stored, you will use langauge specific tools to connect to the data. See our examples for R and Python for more details.
  • On-premise databases - To connect to on-premise databases, you would want to create a transit gateway connecting the Saturn Cloud VPC to your on premise network. Once the connection is enabled you’ll be able to use language specific tools to connect.
  • Existing EFS or FSX volumes - Saturn Cloud can mount any file server that has a Kubernetes CSI driver. Talk to us about the file servers you wish to mount in Saturn Cloud, and we will create the corresponding kubernetes volumes. Those volumes can then be mounted by users using Shared Folders, which will appear as standard folders within Saturn Cloud resources.