Base Images

Starting images to use when building custom Saturn Cloud images.


The base image for Julia. This image contains all of the requirements to run Julia 1.7.2 and Python on Saturn Cloud.


The base GPU image for Julia. This image contains all of the requirements to run Julia 1.7.2 and Python on Saturn Cloud using Nvidia CUDA 11.3


Python-focused base image for Saturn CPU images. This image contains the minimal install required for the full functionality of Saturn Cloud, including the packages necessary to run Python, JupyterLab, and Dask.


Python-focused base image for Saturn GPU images, built on CUDA version 11.2. This image contains the minimal install required for the full functionality of Saturn Cloud on a GPU instance, including packages necessary to run Python, JupyterLab, and Dask.


R-focused base image for Saturn RStudio images. This image contains the packages necessary to run R, RStudio, and Python and sets up environment variables for Reticulate support. Also installs a few libraries that are useful for Markdown support.


R-focused base image for Saturn RStudio images, based on Bioconductor’s RStudio image.


R-focused base image for Saturn RStudio GPU images, built on CUDA version 11.1 using rocker/ml ( This image contains the packages necessary to run R, RStudio, Python, and Reticulate.