Release 2022.03.01

Saturn Cloud release notes for 2022.03.01


This release introduces the concept of “organizations” to Saturn Cloud installations. An organization is an isolated environment from the rest of the Saturn Cloud installation. An organization has unique resources, credentials, images, and other attributes that can only be seen by users in the organization. Organizations have different uses depending on if you’re using Saturn Cloud Hosted or Saturn Cloud Enterprise

Saturn Cloud Hosted Organizations

Saturn Cloud Hosted users have the ability to create Organizations within the platform. Users within the organization can share resources, data, and credentials just as if they were on Enterprise.

Saturn Cloud Enterprise Organizations

Companies using Saturn Cloud Enterprise can use organizations to split their users into different units with their own set of admins. This is useful when a single company has different divisions that would like to keep their work isolated.

Other features

  • The sidebar has been reorganized to have the settings and other options as a drop down below the username.
  • The resource page has been redesigned to have tabs for more easy editing.
  • Images now contain metadata for which type of IDEs and features they support (JupyterLab, R, Dask). This is used by Saturn Cloud to know what resources can use the image for.
  • The resource list now sorts resources by “last started” date rather than “created date”.
  • Resources can now be created via recipe, and each resource has a download recipe button.
  • Collaboration has changed in Saturn. Now instead of sharing with individual users, you make your resource visible to other people in the organization and sent them a copy of the link so they can clone.
  • Shared folders can now be connected to individual resources rather than any resource available to the user.
  • Resources, images, credentials, and other saturn cloud resource now have more consistent logic around what names are allowed. Names also must now be unique.